Akabane secret alleyway

A Morning Of Street Photography in Charming Akabane

Akabane is a suburb of north Tokyo. It has a charm all its own. Parts of this commuter hub are gentrified and filled with every modern convenience. Crossing the street brings one into a world that time has forgotten, remembered, and forgotten again. Though a little off the beaten path, this second part is worth exploring.  

Restaurants are generations old, and local staples dot the rustic landscape.  The nostalgia is palpable, an excellent atmosphere for street photography.  Located beyond the tall buildings of Tokyo's busy city center, gorgeous light spills down each side street like a high tide rolling up the surf. 

This light is excellent for silhouettes and shadows and for filling each frame with contrast.  It can be challenging to come away from Akabane without a great shot.  The best part is that it is relatively unknown, giving it busy, not crowded streets like many other spots in Tokyo. 

I highly recommend visiting Akabane on your next visit to Japan.  Even if you are not a photographer, rustic charm and relaxed atmosphere will win you over.  The covered shopping street, hidden alleyways and local characters make for a fantastic experience you won't find in any guidebook, at least not yet.


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